Forward by Charles Danna Jr., Retired Assessor of South Windsor

Crumbling Foundations Eastern Connecticut

State of Connecticut Office of Legislative Research Reports

State Building Code – Pyrrhotite in Concrete Aggregate; 2019-R-0211

Quarries in CT; 2019-R-0213

Testing Structural Concrete Aggregate for Pyrrhotite; 2019-R-0225

US Army – Testing and Research Approach for Pyrrhotite-Technical

UConn – Verification and Validation of Pyrrhotite in Concrete

Recent Legislation

PA 21-120 – An Act Concerning Crumbling Foundations


News Articles

Source Date Description
 Journal Inquirer 10/17/2024 Crumbling Foundations – 1,000 Homes Repaired
Journal Inquirer 08/12/24 CT Lawmakers supportive of approving $160M more for crumbling house foundations
Journal Inquirer 08/09/24 $25M for Bad foundations approved
Journal Inquirer 05/07/22 Crumbling Foundation Repair Brings Value back to Tax Rolls
Hartford Business Journal 03/04/22 UConn to get more than $660K in Federal Money to Study Crumbling Foundations
Journal Inquirer 09/16/21 Crumbling Concrete Support Added to Federal Infrastructure Bill
NBC Connecticut 07/20/21 Legislators Tallied Multiple Gains on CT Crumbling Basement Issue
CT News Junkie 6/08/21 Crumbling Foundation Captive Saved
Hartford Courant 6/08/21 Crumbling Foundations – Connecticut Legislature Passes Bill Protecting Homeowners
Journal Inquirer 06/02/21 Crumbling Foundations – Captive Insurance Company Extended
Journal Inquirer 03/15/21 Captive insurance company begins work on concrete foundation at Willington condo complex
Journal Inquirer 02/05/21

Bill Aims To ‘Keep Clock Running’ On Crumbling Foundation Credit

CT News Junkie 10/20/20 Crumbling Foundations Funding Shut Off For Now
Journal Inquirer 10/16/20 Improved Concrete Testing – UConn Develops New Method
Hartford Courant 08/25/20 UConn Receives Grant for Study of Foundation Issue
Hartford Courant 04/24/20 IRS: Foundation Assistance Not Taxable
Journal Inquirer  03/11/20 Legislature Considering Action
Journal Inquirer 02/17/20 Foundations Reduce Tolland Grand List
Hartford Courant 02/12/20 Residents Seek New Appeal to FEMA
Journal Inquirer  02/06/20 Still on Minds of Legislature
Hartford Courant 01/29/20 Working Group Recommends Quality Control Plan for Quarries
Journal Inquirer 01/11/20 Mass Looks to Connecticut for Advice on Concrete Issue
CT News Junkie 01/08/20 Insurer’s End Date Needs Attention
Hartford Courant 11/27/19 Repairs Will Not Require Federal Taxes
State of CT Governor 11/01/19 Homeowners Loan Program – Governor Lamont
Journal Inquirer 09/10/19 Fixes Provide Boost to Home Values
Hartford Courant  08/25/19  Crumbling Foundations Need Solutions
Journal Inquirer 08/24/19  East Hartford Waives Permit Fees
Journal Inquirer 08/23/19  Numbers Lower Than Anticipated
Journal Inquirer 08/17/19  Crumbling Foundations Superintendent To Resign
Hartford Courant 08/17/19  Crumbling Foundation Boss To Resign
Hartford Courant 08/04/19  Repairs Begin On Homes
Journal Inquirer 08/02/19 CT Shoreline, RI may have Concrete Woes
New London Day 07/30/19  Help On Way
Hartford Courant 07/25/19  Editorial Foundation Woes
Hartford Courant 07/19/19  $12M Claims Filed By Condo Owners
State 07/09/19  Signed Pa 19-192. HB 7179 – Crumbling Concrete Foundations
Hartford Courant 07/05/19  Becker Quarry 2yr Extension On Ban
Journal Inquirer 07/02/19  Agreement For 2 Yrs
Journal Inquirer 07/01/19  Courtney Amendment Passes House
New Haven Register 06/28/19  Foundation Funding
UConn 06/21/19  UCONN Update 2019
Trinity 06/21/19  Trinity Testing 2019
Journal Inquirer 06/20/19  Funds For Concrete Testing
Hartford Courant 06/09/19  Two Women In Ireland
Journal Inquirer 06/06/19  Crumbling Victory
OLR 06/04/19  OLR Bill Analysis Substitute House Bill 7179
State 06/04/19  House Bill 2019-7179 Re Crumbling Foundations Bill
Journal Inquirer 05/24/19  CT House Pass Loan Program
Hartford Courant 05/24/19  Loan Program Passed
Hartford Courant 05/16/19  Hope Now Reality
Journal Inquirer 05/16/19  Crumbling No More
Journal Inquirer 05/13/19  Concrete Bills Pass
Hartford Courant 04/21/19  Ireland Article
Journal Inquirer 04/17/19  Investigation Of Policy Changes
Journal Inquirer 04/13/19  IRS Ok Deductions
Journal Inquirer 04/13/19  Insurers Told Not To Cancel
Hartford Courant 03/22/19 HUD money available for testing crumbling foundations
Journal Inquirer 03/21/19 Legislative Committee Passes Proposals
Hartford Courant  03/11/19 Condo groups eligible for crumbling foundation funds
Hartford Courant  03/09/19  Early legislation for 2019 and concrete issues
Hartford Courant 03/09/19 Various legislation efforts for this session
Journal Inquirer 03/09/19 Speakers at legislative public hearings say banks selling foreclosed houses without disclosing bad foundations
Journal Inquirer 03/07/19 Owners could have known of mineral ruining foundations
Journal Inquirer 03/02/19 Birch Grove School concrete is worse than expected
Journal Inquirer 02/27/19 Bill would help with school foundations
Journal Inquirer 02/15/19 Federal Budget Bill includes concrete study, pyrrhotite mapping
Journal Inquirer 02/13/19 Plan to cut state borrowing shouldn’t affect foundation fund
Journal Inquirer 02/12/19 Blumenthal & Murphy reintroduced federal legislation providing $200 M grant programs
Journal Inquirer 01/29/19 Type 2 claims are scheduled to start payments on claims
Journal Inquirer 01/28/19 Area municipalities facing loss of millions in assessments and taxes
Hartford Courant 01/20/19 Editorial having personal experience fixing problems and solution suggestions
Hartford Courant 01/13/19 Second of two parts comparing Canada and Connecticut handling of pyrrhotite issues
Journal Inquirer 01/10/19 Area legislators offer bills on concrete issues
Journal Inquirer 01/09/19 Two new insurance companies are volunteering millions to assist crumbling issues, but with conditions
Journal Inquirer 01/09/19 Insurance Co. that processes claims will be accepting applications starting Thursday Jan. 10th.
Journal Inquirer 01/07/19 US senate bill includes two amendments to provide information on crumbling foundations
Hartford Courant 01/06/19 First of two parts of how Canada has handled pyrrhotite issue