PA 490 Recommended Land Use Values – 2020
M-28 Exemption Forms – Horses, Ponies, Farm Mach. & Buildings
M-29 Classification of Land as Farm Land
M-30 Classification of Land as Open Space
M-30a Exemption of Land as Open Space
M-39 Classification of Land as Forest Land
Maritime Heritage Land Classification
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
D.E.E.P. State Forester,
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 424-3000
Public Act 04-115 “An Act Concerning Forestry Management”
D.E.E.P.: Classification of Land as Forest Land
Form DEEP-FOR-490: Annual report to State Forester (pdf)
D.E.E.P. Forester Certification Program
D.E.E.P. Directory of Certified Forest Practitioners