Current Committee List

(member log-in required)

  • Executive Board
    The Executive Board shall have the powers and duties to act as the governing body for the CAAO.
Standing Committees
  • A.A.T. Committee
    The purpose of said Committee is to offer educational programs leading to the CAAO designation of AAT, and assessment workshops for the education of clerical and technical assessment staff.
  • C.C.M.A. Committee – OPM Apt.
    There shall be a committee for the purpose of establishing a program and procedures for the training, examination and certification of assessment personnel, appointed by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management.
  • Curriculum Development Committee
    The purpose of said Committee shall be to develop, review, update and maintain outlines and curriculums for classes and workshops that are presented by CAAO.
  • Editorial Board
    This Committee shall assist in the editing, publishing, and advertising for the Assessoreporter.
  • Education Committee
    It shall be the responsibility of the Education Committee to plan and implement the educational program of the CAAO which shall include, but not be limited to, Assessor’s School, Workshops and Seminars, and shall coordinate such educational programs with the CCMA Committee.
  • Finance Committee
    It shall be the responsibility of the Finance Committee to submit to the Executive Board for their approval an operating budget for the forthcoming year. It is also the responsibility of the Finance Committee to establish and maintain adequate bonding and liability insurance.

  • Handbook Committee
    It shall be the duty of the said Committee to review current assessment legislation, assessment administration and valuation procedures for handbook update and to publish updated inserts.
  • Information Technology Committee
    The Information Technology Committee shall review and assess the information technology needs of CAAO; make recommendations for the purchase of hardware, software and peripheral devices, and oversee and co-ordinate the computerization of other CAAO functions when warranted; including information technology related education.
  • Legislative Committee
    It shall be the responsibility of the Legislative Committee to compile and review new legislation affecting the assessment profession.
  • Motor Vehicle Committee
    The Motor Vehicle Committee shall represent the CAAO with regard to its statutory obligation for motor vehicle assessments and in coordinating efforts with OPM and the Motor Vehicle Department in order to provide the best data and procedures possible for the assessment of motor vehicles.
  • PA 490 Advisory Committee
    The purpose of said committee shall be the review of all issues relevant to the assessment practices for farm, forest and open space.
  • Personal Property Committee
    It shall be the responsibility of the Personal Property Committee to review and make recommendations to the guidelines and procedures for establishing personal property values.
  • Research / Historian Committee
    The purpose of said Committee shall be to locate, organize and preserve documents relating to the history of CAAO and the assessment practices in the State of Connecticut.
  • Revaluation Committee
    The Revaluation Committee shall be responsible for the study of all matters pertaining to municipal revaluation practices.
Non-Standing Committees
  • By-Laws Committee
    There shall be a By-Laws Committee to review and update the by-laws as the need occurs.

  • C.A.A.O. Interview Panel
    The purpose of said Committee is to assist municipalities in the selection of assessment personnel by providing technical assistance in the form of an oral interview panel.
  • Election Committee
    This Committee shall administer the election process of CAAO.
  • Ethics Committee
    The purpose of said Ethics committee shall be to recommend a Code of Ethics and a Complaint Procedure for all members of the Association.
  • Nominating Committee
    The Committee shall meet and annually prepare a slate of officers.

  • Professional Designations & Awards Committee
    Committee shall compile and publish the necessary criteria for the aforesaid awards and designation and all awards and designations shall be a result of a majority vote of the members of said Committee.
  • Special Events Committee
    Committee shall be responsible for planning and coordinating of the Spring Meeting and Annual Meeting.
  • Other Committees
    The President shall appoint such other non-standing committees as the President deems necessary, with the approval of the Executive Board.